International Property & Travel is the most effective way to target a premium audience of high wealth individuals. These are readers who travel first class with the world’s leading airlines – they have money to spend on the finest things in life, own multiple properties and have the desire for luxury brands and services.

In addition, the magazine is read by those travelling by business jet and in business class giving advertisers one of the largest wealthy audiences in the world. International Property & Travel places your properties, products and services in the hands of the perfect demographic, driving sales and increasing brand awareness with a new audience every day.

Editorials feature the most desirable luxuries, homes, interiors, cars and travel for readers who want – and can afford – it all.


Want to sell or market your services to our readers? To feature your ad in our magazines or on our website, fill out the form below, and our team will reach out to you as soon as possible!
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Distribution routes include:

Emirates first and business class, cabins and lounges

Premium in-flight and airport lounge and gate distribution at Heathrow and Gatwick

One of the largest circulations to first and business class passengers globally

High-net worth individuals from across the world

Prestige readership through selected prime locations across London

The digital edition has over 200,000 page impressions every month

Our in-flight readers are ever-changing, with a new audience of high-earners every day, giving exceptional value for money on advertising. Access to this level of readership is almost impossible to find anywhere else.

Regular advertisers can reach our audience from as little as £500.

IP&T plus is our new digital only magazine, dedicated to interiors, architecture and development projects, designed and built participating in the International Property Awards.


Emirates in-flight and lounge distribution

The only magazine of its type with comprehensive access to Emirates passengers on the ground and in the air in first and business class. Emirates flies to over 120 destinations in over 70 countries. Emirates has over 3,500 flights per week and over 400,000 first and business class travelling on their airlines every month.

Emirates and the UK

12 daily flights to London, Emirates flies to 8 UK airports daily.

Custom cover for Emirates edition

Advertising can be specifically targeted to the Emirates audience by booking the Emirates outside or inside covers.

Emirates First & Business Class passenger nationalities

200,000 First & Business Class passengers each month
Exposure in shared lounges and at first class and business gates, available to passengers of over 60 airlines

These airport lounges are available to first and business class travellers of a wide range of airlines.

Targeting leading London corporations

International Property & Travel is distributed to the offices of some of London’s leading firms with exposure to high-earning staff and visitors.

Extensive free availability on mobile, desktop and web platforms

International Property & Travel is available on all major digital platforms, completely free of charge. A truly global audience for your properties and brands.

This includes Apple iOS, Android, Windows, Amazon and Web editions. Digital distribution allows an extensive worldwide readership which crosses borders and accesses wealthy buyers and investors with a genuine interest in property and luxury goods.

Readly: (Stats taken from the 2023 period)

Average page views per issue: Over 185,000
Total page views: Around 1,100,000
Total unique readers: Over 8600
Demographics: approx 70% male, 30% female
Typical read time per user per issue: 11 minutes on average


Average pageviews per issue: Over 220,000
Average individual readers of each publication per issue: Over 16,500
Typical read time per user per issue: 12 minutes on average

More details can be found in our media pack. Contact our international team to request the full media pack.