Art: Oceania

The first impression of Oceania as you enter from the streets of Piccadilly is of being plunged into darkness – and drama. The first exhibit, a vast bolt of blue cloth made by New Zealand’s Kiko Moana entirely fills the first room. Blinking in the darkness of deep green and blue walls, you are plunged into an entirely new world filled with a strange echoing soundscape.

This show takes the visitor on a 500-year journey across the Pacific Ocean through Polynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia. Despite the vast size of the region we know relatively little of its cultural heritage. Oceania is indeed the first major UK survey and brings 200 works of art including figures, decorated beams and house posts, carvings, shields, spears, ceremonial headdresses, masks, ritual objects as well as many outstanding artefacts created for canoes and boats by these seafaring people. Until December 10th at the Royal Academy, London, UK

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