Groundbreaking is an overworked word but in the case of this survey of Caribbean art, it’s appropriate. There has never before been a serious attempt to analyse the multiplicity of arts generated by the islanders who populate the archipelago – not only residents but those with roots in the Caribbean.
The show has four sections: Conceptual Mappings, Perpetual Horizons, Landscape Ecologies and Representational Acts but this is just artspeak and a way of knitting together disparate exhibits that cross the mediums of painting, installation art, sculpture, photography, video and performance. The main point however is to challenge the concept of the Caribbean’s cultural isolation by highlighting the undercurrents that connect its cultures and countries.
Until January 13th at Frost Art Museum, Miami, USA
Image pictured (Edouard Duval-Carrie Lost at Sea | 2014 | Mixed media on aluminium Courtesy of the Artist)