Citizenship: Antigua Part 2

Warmly welcomed

“We fell in love with the island and how beautiful it is but it is the people we have met here that have changed our lives” says Katrina. “There is such a diverse mix with many interesting stories to be told. We felt so welcomed into this international community.” The beaches and restaurants demand as much of their time as possible and, having intended to only use their property for vacations and their citizenship to assist Katrina’s travel, they find themselves being full-time residents for part of the year.

With his business travel and by spending over four months a year on the ground, Dag is also a tax-resident in Antigua and now wonders why they spent so long in the European tax jurisdiction. “Understanding the ever-shifting rules of tax-residency in your country is a first step but the lifestyle we enjoy here is also very financially intelligent,” says Dag.

The citizenship process was a relatively quick one, and after being shepherded through the application and approval by the experts at International Property Citizenship Services, Katrina was surprised at how efficient it was. “Just getting visas to travel on my old passport seemed like more work and stress than going through the Antigua citizenship process.”

There have also been some more serious benefits to their new life in the Caribbean on top of the beautiful conditions and social fun. The contacts Dag has made with successful people in the same business has broadened his international scope. “One good friend I’ve made in the Antigua international community has led directly to a contract for my company in a new country,” he says.

“Seriously, the hardest part of being here is not socialising too much,” Katrina says. “We constantly have people visiting us and with our new friends in the community it seems there is an invitation coming at least five times a week.” While Dag is away, Katrina has the responsibility of the children and also acts as director in his company. “In a few more years when the kids are off to college, we can see spending every season from November to May in Antigua but for now we pick our times to have fun and live a very healthy and active lifestyle in the islands with our children.”

Not your typical retirees, couples like Katrina and Dag have expanded the boundaries of international living and property ownership. They are able to enjoy a lifestyle that their parents believed was only available to movie stars and celebrities. However, in truth, it is much healthier and financially smarter than what was available to previous generations.


For further information on current Caribbean Citizenship by Investment programs please contact the International Property Citizenship Services department at International Property & Travel magazine.

Call: +44 1245 250 981
email: [email protected]

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