Drive: From capital to coast

Every year, the famous Bonhams London to Brighton Veteran Car Run intrigues thousands of roadside viewers with its unique appeal which draws entrants from all around the globe. It also serves to honour all those pioneering engineers for their ingeniously innovative technologies dating back to the dawn of the horseless carriage era.

Furthermore, the world’s longest running motoring event inspires a large number of museums not just to display their extraordinary veteran cars but also to keep them in perfect running order in readiness for their annual pilgrimage from capital to coast. “It’s a unique spectacle and brings notable exhibits from our collection to life,” enthuses Stephen Laing, curator of the British Motor Industry Heritage Trust.

Now exhibited at the newly refurbished British Motor Museum at Gaydon, the Trust’s remarkable collection adds up to the world’s largest display of historic British cars – at the last count it totals more than 300 vehicles spanning classic and vintage as well as veteran eras. Around eight of these machines date back to before 1905 and thus are eligible to join the Veteran Car Run, and six are regularly entered, sometimes for high-profile participants.

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