Kung Sauna’s Ultra-Compact and Stylish Corner Sauna

Even generously apportioned apartments offer little extra space for a sauna or spa. With this in mind, Kung’s solution is an ultra-compact sauna with all the aesthetic style and technical features of its larger cousins. As a corner sauna that takes up just over 2m², Infraflex Trias features three different sauna types in a minimum of space. A space-saving combi heater offers both a conventional hot sauna option as well as a gentler, organic climate (bio-sauna) with lower temperatures and higher humidity. Additionally, a herbal sieve and aromatic oil tray enhances the sauna experience through aromatherapy. The third option is an infrared light therapy from panels that are subtly embedded in the rear walls. Positioned behind the vertical wood paneling they blend into the stylish sauna interior without any reduction in thermal effect. Every Trias sauna is custom made in Switzerland to meet the client’s individual needs and preferences.
Price dependent on size and specification 

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