Who needs another Monet show? This was the view of a cheeky Time Out reviewer who thought we had perhaps had enough of water lilies.
It struck a chord because some art degrees (mine included) refuse to teach ‘the Impressionists’ because they are not cutting edge enough and are also rather over-exposed.

Windmills near Zaandam
All the same, this show tells another story. It brings together a number of extremely well-known views – the Houses of Parliament and Doge’s Palace among them – but adds many of the lesser known works of this prolific artist: among them the Musée d’Orsay’s The Coal-heavers. The dark and brooding paintings of Venice and London we know from reproductions but there is nothing like coming face to face with them to reaffirm the genius of Monet’s art.
Until July 29th at the National Gallery, London, UK