Whaletone is a professional musical instrument for individualists. Its beautiful two-colour case resembles a whale which breaks the waves by visibly arching its body.

The concept for this striking piano’s design was born in a dream where its maker, Robert Majkut, envisaged a grand piano that was totally different and challenged the classic notion of the instrument. Due to its form and possibilities, Whaletone will perfectly fit in on a professional stage, as well as in a house, club, hotel or even on a super yacht

Fully bespoke elements, like the colour of the case or upholstered ‘soul’ of the piano are in the standard offer. Each and every unit is always made on individual request, dedicated to its owner, adjusted to their preferences and requirements and marked with a personal number.

The heart of the instrument is one of the greatest digital stage pianos, ensuring the highest quality classic piano sound. This is enriched with the whole spectrum of possibilities offered by electronic sounds, both the pre-programmed, as well as sampled and added by the user. A comfortable keyboard perfectly transmits the dynamics of play, giving the impression of playing a classic piano with all its subtleties. The sound, strengthened with a four-channel amplifier, is emitted from the top-quality loudspeakers, creating a precise, dynamic sound scene.

By way of thanks for the inspiration to create the Whaletone enterprise, Robert Majkut is supporting a program protecting endangered whale species by donating 1% from the value of total sales to an organisation campaigning for whale protection.

From £57,585 / €65,000 / $72,465 – £102,000 / €115,000 / $128,200